Confidea wireless G3


The 3rd and newest generation of Televic’s renowned Confidea Wireless Conference system uses the latest advances in wireless technologies to offer more stability, more flexibility and more
security. All including the globally recognized superior sound quality.
Confidea Wireless G3 is so flexible, so easy to set up and so convenient to use that it is ideal for rental applications, town councils, boardrooms, hotels and universities. A system is set up and torn down in only a few minutes. It is therefore great for temporary set-ups or for multi-purpose rooms.
Basic systems should require basic investment. In its simplest form, a Confidea system requires very few hardware and software components. For a basic discussion system the Confidea Wireless Conference Access Point (WCAP) acts as a mini central unit. The provided audio in- and outputs make it easy to connect a handheld (wireless) microphone, a room audio system, a video conferencing system or a telephone hybrid system.
The new access point has a powerful built-in webserver, so that you are in full control of the system from any desktop computer,  laptop, tablet or smartphone. For simple discussion applications, the intuitive user interface offers all functionality you need as an operator, ready to use without specialized software training. A set-up with voting is managed through the CoCon Control Software and the voting units even offer RFID authentication.
The AES encryption, combined with the proprietary communication protocol and access control,
offers 3 layers of security and confidentiality at a level not seen in any product of this class. Your
sensitive meetings are secure and your IT people reassured of a perfect coexistence of the system
with your wireless LAN.

Alles weitere dazu in der offiziellen Broschüre: TCS_BRO_Confidea-G3-en-US_v1.0


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Confidea wireless G3

UVP € 0,00 + 19% MwSt. (€ 0,00) zuzüglich Einrichtung, falls gewünscht


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